As one of my projects this year I decided to take the premise of The Correspondence Project and turn it on myself. I am having a dialogue between the me that draws and the me that writes. I started with an initial journal entry, then drew a picture in response, then wrote a response to the picture, then drew a picture in response to that.... It's a little strange, I am experiencing the same frustration with myself as a writer as I did with some of the writing I worked with before: a focus on the darkness in the drawings. What makes it so odd is that rather than just stopping and changing direction, the drawing me is waiting for the writing me to lighten up a bit. I am thinking that the drawing me is going to rebel and start introducing color to confuse the writing me, but I'm not exactly sure when and how. As crazy as this makes me seem I am finding it a really interesting exercise. I am recognizing just how obsessive I can be and that I really have some serious dictatorial tendencies which I will even turn on myself.